Wow - I'm shocked that creating a blog could be so easy.
I don't know that I have any great insights on the world to warrant creating a blog. I don't have anything to sell, any new ideas to present, any great crafty or cooking tips. Maybe it's just a way for me to actually document my life and thoughts a bit more formally.
Today is as good as any to start. It was a great day of church today. There wasn't anything specific, but it was just a great spirit. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or to say it more simply, I am a Mormon. On the first Sunday of each month, the members of the congregation are encouraged to share their beliefs with everyone - we call it bearing your testimonies on Fast Sunday.
It was such a great mix - some of the young children bore their testimonies, several of the young men were inspiring talking about their strength in the scriptures; former ward members spoke and several of the fathers.
We began and ended the meeting with patriotic songs. I thought of two people in the congregation (or ward, as is the term for the LDS). One served in the military many many years ago. I know that whenever I see the flag, I will always remember him because of his love of this country. The other is a gentleman that is married to a young girl that I had taught years ago who less than a year ago returned from a tour in Iraq. They span many years and many experiences. But both have an impact on my life.
I am unbelievably indebted to those who have served and those who are serving now. I hope that we all take time this week with picnics, parades and fireworks to really look at the flag and think about what is stands for. I hope everyone teaches children to have more respect for the flag and military than I had when I was young.
Maybe another reason I'm feeling strong is the loss of my Aunt Barbara. She has had medical problems for a while, so it's good that she is somewhere that she no longer is in pain. I feel truly sad for my Uncle Clayton, for my cousins and second cousins who have to struggle at this time.
It makes me truly grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ. It give me the knowledge and courage to know what happens when we die - that we can be families forever. Our Savior Jesus Christ died for us and allowed us to live again and to live happily forever if we make good choices. It's an unbelievable peace to have during times of sorrow.
That was a lot to lay on for a first blog.
Love this blog! Keep it up dear cousin:) Wish I could see you guys in July, my mom is really looking forward to it!