Sunday, January 5, 2014

What's in A Title

On Friday, I had a conversation with the VP of our department.  Lately, I've had the "do we get married or stop dating?" thoughts about my career with my current company.  (Bad analogy, I know.)  One of my concerns is where I am on the corporate ladder.  I've never had delusions of grandeur that I would be a VP or something like that, but, I figured by this point in my life, I'd be higher up than I am.

The VP had an interesting comment.  He said "Don't judge your career by your title.  You could have a career filled with contribution and never have the title to go with it."

Fast forward to Sunday.  For those that following me on Facebook, the last two years, I've taught the four year olds.  This past year was riddled with unique experiences:

  • My first week, one of the boys threatened to punch me in the nose.  
  • Sundays filled with answers like "Who is this in the picture baptizing Jesus?" "Jesus's friend".  
  • Keeping my eyes open during prayer to break up both spitting on pants and kissing.  
  • Saying "Stop moving your chairs" for the 800th time.  
  • Doubling in size (from four to eight children) in a few short months (four was already tough)
  • Being told I had REALLY bad breath...
  • Meltdowns from everyone in the class - including me.  
So how do the two relate?  Because most four year olds can't remember adult names, my kids called me "Teacher".  

Teacher - here is a title that often is belittled.  Maybe because it seems so common - between church and school and activities, we seem to have so many of them around.  The fiscal value of teachers is often a source of debate in politics.  Even in the Mormon religion, it's common to hear "I'm just a teacher".  

But teachers are vital in our lives.  So many of us are where we are because of a teacher - whether it was in school, at church, or someone who taught you a great skill.  One of the titles of the Savior was "Teacher".  

And all who teach likely become the greatest student of all.  So what has this "Teacher" learned this year?
  • Patience - LOTS of it!
  • There is not much sweeter than hearing my class finally sing a song (they do not like to sing)
  • They pay more attention than you realize (one of the biggest thrills was hearing parents tell me that their child repeated a story I told them)
  • There is a contagious excitement about "little things" like earning a prize or having something brought to their house.
  • When I looked deep into their sweet eyes, I knew I was where I needed to be - even when it was hard.  
  • I also knew Heavenly Father loves them, even when they play with their ties or hair ribbons constantly.
This year, I have been called to teach the seven year olds (turning eight).  I'm excited for the opportunity to teach kids that can read, know the words to songs, and can keep in their seats for more than three minutes.  I'll be teaching kids the same ages has my niece and nephew which gives me a unique insight.  It's a huge responsibility as they are just getting ready to be baptized.

But I'll miss being called "Teacher" every Sunday.  It's a title that I do hope matches the contribution I tried to make and will continue to try to make as a Teacher.

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