Sunday, May 4, 2014

Surrendering The Girl Card

Personally, despite our efforts to be unique or independent, I think the majority of us like to be categorized in a "group".  One of the most obvious seems to be gender.  TV shows, college majors, libraries, and even playgrounds are dedicated to segregating gender and usually arguing which one is better.

Of course, there are obvious differences in our physical appearance (if you don't know that - you have bigger problems).  And we tend to have emotional differences too - not always, but in general.  Those differences can be good and bad.

But, even in our gender circles, we all differ.  There are some obvious differences I have with women - I don't have kids or a spouse so I don't know what it's like to fight with my husband or go through labor or a sleepless night with crying kids. 

Being unique is awesome - but sometimes when you are in the "club", there are certain bylaws you are kind of expected to live by.  I thought about this week about reasons why I may have to surrender my girl card:

1 - I HATE high heel shoes.  Now, those that know me would probably agree that I hate shoes in general.  However, ironically, I probably have more shoes than most women.  They are the first things I take off when I get home.  I'm occasionally found walking around the office without shoes.  If I'm ever spiritual enough to build my own world, I'd find a way to make things without sharp edges or feet that are indestructible!

A couple of years ago, I went on a "bender" and bought a bunch of high heel shoes.  I have found over time that I hate them all - even my favorite blue pair.  It probably doesn't help that they have to support a lot of extra weight these days and maybe I'm just getting old.  But, I just find that I have pain in either the balls of my feet, my arches, or my heels and I walk like I'm on stilts.  Maybe I'll change my mind one of these days, but not likely.

2 - I think the handbag industry in an example of the Emperor's New Clothes.  I was watching a home shopping channel where they were selling handbags for $250 - $400.  Despite how cute they were, there was absolutely no way I could choke that down.  Several months ago, I was shopping in Hawaii in an expensive handbag store.  They wanted $250 for a WALLET!!! 

This is an industry that has continued to climb in price - the same bags you could get 3 years ago for $60 are more than double.  When you see handbags that are the same price as a car - in a bag where you can spill a bottle of lotion, need to purchase a separate wallet and still misplace your car keys - there is something seriously wrong!

3 - I just don't like newborn babies.  I love the idea of babies.  I know in my mind that they are straight from heaven.  But, babies weigh less than my purse...and if I drop my purse, there is no permanent damage. 

Not all newborns are cute (aka Seinfeld episode with the breathtaking baby).  I remember a friend in college saying that her niece wasn't cute and getting a lot of looks.  Wish I could have that conversation with her today.

And finally, newborns and even up to toddlers make me nervous because I don't know what a cry means - is she tired, thirsty, needs a diaper change, wants a pizza?  When the child can point (or even speak) to what she wants, then we will be good friends!

4 - Not a fan of jewelry.  I got my ears pierced when I was 16 and they probably closed up a year later.  I can't even decide what pants and shirt to put on in the morning - it's a lot of pressure to have to choose necklaces, earrings, and bracelets.  I really try to embrace the concept - we have jewelry sales at work once a year and I usually buy something with the intention of starting up again.  But it usually goes in the pile with the other items.  (I do, however, like scarves...)

And don't get me started on the price.  I can understand precious metals - but some of it is just junk and when the fake and real ones start to look alike...

5 - I like sports.  This may get me kicked out faster than any of the others.  I am one of the rare girls that can talk about sporting events.  I can't say I'm a diehard fan of all the events.  But, I can probably tell you which teams are in the playoffs, major sporting headlines, and can recall some of the major games.

On the plus side, this gets me at least a temporary "man" card.  I've been able to carry on a decent conversation with a group of men because I'm knowledgeable on this topic.

6 - Girls nights are stressful for me.  I like the concept of a girl's night out.  It's usually dinner or a treat - sometimes it's games, sometimes it's shopping.  I think it's great to get women together to bond, make friends and sustain friendships.  But, getting to Girls Night Out is extremely hard for me.  I'm not even a fan of Visiting Teaching or RS Meetings (Homemaking, or whatever the heck it's called these days). 

It's probably in large part due to the fact that I don't have kids or a spouse.  Women generally don't exclude me from the conversation because these are missing from my life (or at least intentionally).  But over time, I start to feel like I have to stretch to find commonality - again, this is my problem, not the women I'm with!  I know I need to stretch myself, but it's just hard.

People who know me could probably add ten more items to the list.  Hopefully, we can all just accept each other for who we are and not what we are not. 

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